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for your European IT Certification COVID-19 Response subsidy
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European IT Certification COVID-19 Response subsidy

    The subsidy will apply to both international and French EITCA Academy editions

    The subsidy will apply to both international and German EITCA Academy editions

    The subsidy will apply to both international and Italian EITCA Academy editions

    The subsidy will apply to both international and Spanish EITCA Academy editions

    The subsidy will apply to both international and Polish EITCA Academy editions

    The subsidy will apply to both international and Dutch EITCA Academy editions

    EITCI COVID-19 Response subsidy is granted to individual persons applying in their own capacity in form of the EITC/EITCA Certification fees reduction supporting digital skills dissemination in the EU member states. Refer to the privacy policy statement.

    EITCI COVID-19 Response subsidy programme was suspended in May 2022 and the corresponding subsidies are not valid anymore.

    Details of the EITCI COVID-19 Response subsidies
    Action to overcome digital challenges in CoV pandemic
    Due to the COVID-19 outbreak European IT Certification Institute extended its subsidies on the EITC programmes in 80% intensity and on the EITCA programmes (grouping several substituent EITC programmes) in 95% intensity. This reduces the European IT Certification fees from €110 to €22 in EITC programmes and from €1100 to €55 in EITCA Academy programmes, lowering the economic barriers in accessing the EU framework of digital skills confirmation.
    Single European IT Certification (EITC) COVID-19 Response subsidy
    European IT Certification Academy (EITCA) COVID-19 Response subsidy
    Single EITC
    fee in 80% EITC subsidy for
    €110 EITC certification cost
    EITC Certificate
    15 hours programme
    Fully remote procedures
    EITCI COVID 80% subsidy
    LinkedIn integration
    EITCA Academy
    fee in 95% EITCA subsidy for
    €1100 EITCA certification cost
    EITCA Certificate
    Substituent EITC Certificates
    Up to 180 hours programme
    Fully remote procedures
    EITCI COVID 95% subsidy
    LinkedIn integration
    EITCA Key Competencies Academy for office staff

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    EITCA Computer Graphics Academy for designers

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit ametcon sectetur adipisicing elit, sed doiusmod tempor incidi labore et dolore. Ut enim ad mini veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut!

    EITCA Business IT Academy for managers

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit ametcon sectetur adipisicing elit, sed doiusmod tempor incidi labore et dolore. Ut enim ad mini veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut!

    Other European IT Certification Academies
    For the digital challenges
    EITCA/EG eGovernment
    Professional skillset certification in public administration, including eGovernment administration IT systems, office software, European eGov reference frameworks. Available at just €55 fee upon 95% EITCI COVID Response subsidy.
    EITCA/IS IT Security
    Professional skillset certification in cybersecurity and cyberthreats, including applicable cryptography and networking security protocols and solutions. Available at just €55 fee upon 95% EITCI COVID Response subsidy.
    EITCA/EL eLearning Didactics
    Professional skillset certification in remote didactics, including e-learning platforms and solutions, educational collaboration and virtual classroom tools. Available at just €55 fee upon 95% EITCI COVID Response subsidy.
    EITCA/TC Telework
    Formal skillset certification for telework and telecommuting, including online collaboration systems, team communication and tasks management platforms. Available at just €55 fee upon 95% EITCI COVID Response subsidy.
    European IT Certification (EITC) single programmes
    The first step to professionalize your digital skills with the European IT Certification standard attestment
    Check the full catalogue of the European IT Certification programmes.

    European Information Technologies Certification Institute is an EU based non-profit organization seated in Brussels established for the development and dissemination of high quality standards in digital skills through the processes of standardization, accreditation and certification by joint effort of academic and industrial experts from the EU and abroad.

    Learn more about the European IT Certification Institute.

    EITC stands for the European IT Certification, a 2008 originated standard for European Union vendor independent online attestment of digital skills governed by the EITCI Institute. EITCA standads for the European IT Certification Academy, grouping up to several topically relevant EITC Certifications providing professional specialization attestment in a certain domain of IT.

    Learn more about the European IT Certification.

    European IT Certification already reached over 1 million European citizens making it a leading digital skills attestation framework in the European Union. Established as a digital skills standard in 2008 it has recently supported European Commission’s Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition. It still remains vendor independent and is internationally recognized thus enabling proper support for a professional career.

    Learn how it works or check out the frequently asked questions.


    Recognized EU based digital skills attestment framework


    Fully online certification procedures from Brussels, EU


    Enabling further digitalization of your professional career

    EITCI COVID-19 Response Subsidy
    Apply for your subsidy at the top of this page
    If you have any questions on applying for the subsidy please contact the European IT Certification Institute. You can also call +32 2 588 73 51